Perennials For Your Rock Garden

Perennials For Your Rock Garden

A properly constructed rock garden, with rocks and soil elevated in tiers provides good drainage for many small plants that might otherwise succumb to winter and spring wetness. Rocks are best situated where the plants will receive maximum sunshine and not be shaded by trees. Read on for helpful planning tips...

August 07, 2024
Tags: perennials
The Joy of Perennials

The Joy of Perennials

Planning is an essential part of having a perennial garden. Gardens that are not planned usually have no direction and often are a jumble of colour. When planning a garden, many factors determine the shape of your garden; from which angle you will view your garden; whether the garden will be informal or formal, and the type of planting (bed or border) you want. Read on for more planning tips!

July 09, 2024
Perennials for Shade

Perennials for Shade

The most common problem with shade in the garden is finding plants that thrive in the shade! In a new home, in a new subdivision, where can you grow lush leafy ferns, Astilbes and Hosta? There are so many plants that actually LIKE SHADE! If you can create a garden in the shaded north side of your home, then you can enjoy a broad range of plants that thrive in shade. Follow these tips and you'll be enjoying beautiful gardens this summer and for many more to come!

June 04, 2024
Lavender, The Floral Essential you Didn't Know You Needed!

Lavender, The Floral Essential you Didn't Know You Needed!

Lavender, the flowery must-have you never knew you were missing! Keep reading for the scoop...
April 07, 2024
Tags: perennials
Colour Spring to Fall - 6 Basic Perennials

Colour Spring to Fall - 6 Basic Perennials

These six essential perennials are plants of size and substance. They will be the backbone of your perennial garden. With the wide choice of cultivars available in each of these six basic plants, any colour scheme is possible.
April 21, 2023
Perennials in Bloom - Month to Month

Perennials in Bloom - Month to Month

A helpful list of when perennials bloom to help you plan your garden for maximum blooms all season long!
February 01, 2022
Tags: perennials
Designing a Perennial Garden for Shade

Designing a Perennial Garden for Shade

The shape and size of this design may not be precisely suitable to your garden.  We hope that it can at least be helpful as a point of departure and these tips help you plan your garden!
March 08, 2021
Perennials for Ground Covers

Perennials for Ground Covers

Ground covers are both decorative and problem solvers. Many thrive in shade or where lawns will not grow; others are ideal for preventing soil erosion and weed control. Perennials for ground covers are not usually the herbaceous types that die down in winter but rather evergreen types, woody sub-shrubs and those with winter persistent foliage. Read on for helpful tips!

March 08, 2021
Perennials for Cut Flowers

Perennials for Cut Flowers

Having fresh flowers in your home every day is one of life’s many pleasures. With even a small perennial garden you can enjoy fresh flowers from spring to fall. To be able to step into your own garden, make your selection of flowers in bloom and arrange them in a vase is itself a pleasant and satisfying action. We will help you do this - read on!
March 08, 2021